To communicate successfully with millennials, who are not interested in any kind of ads, we wanted to break new grounds. Instead of developing just another car ad, that nobody is going to watch, we wanted to hit the zeitgeist and deliver authentic branded content. We used our budget to support and collaborate with three young, international and upcoming artists and created music videos for their new songs. The all-new Taigo was then authentically integrated into these to create assets that are visually diverse, offer the potential to be shared in the target group and can also be used as advertising material.
„Creative thinking, creative ideas, creative collaborations –
it’s of utmost importance.“ – Yugen Blakrok
„Das Wichtigste ist es, miteinander zu reden.
Nicht nur zur musikalischen, sondern gerade zur technischen Inspiration.“ – GHEIST
„Without social media I would’ve never been able to get my music heard by so many people.” – Chris James
Creative Director: Lars Jakschik
Senior Copywriter: Maximilian Müller
Senior Art Director: Lilli Ridder I Sebastian Störmer
Art Director: Felix Pannach
Digital Strategy : Kristina Kupper
Agency Producer: Jürgen Joppen I Milena Milic I Felix Blum
Account: Alisa Pisu I Alina Hoefert
Agency: DDB Berlin
Production: Represent
Director: Jens Wirtzfeld
Photographer: David Haase